flywheel.engine module

Query engine

class flywheel.engine.Engine(dynamo=None, namespace=(), default_conflict='update')[source]

Bases: object

Query engine for models


dynamo : dynamodb3.DynamoDBConnection, optional

namespace : list or str, optional

String prefix or list of component parts of a prefix for models. All table names will be prefixed by this string or strings (joined by ‘-‘).

default_conflict : {‘update’, ‘overwrite’, ‘raise’}, optional

Default setting for delete(), save(), and sync() (default ‘update’)


The engine is used to save, sync, delete, and query DynamoDB. Here is a basic example of saving items:

item1 = MyModel()
item1.foobar = 'baz'
item2 = MyModel()[item1, item2], overwrite=True)

You can also use the engine to query tables:

user = engine.query(User).filter( == 'abcdef).first()

# calling engine() is a shortcut for engine.query()
user = engine(User).filter( == 'abcdef).first()

d_users = engine(User).filter( == 'MIT',

# You can pass in equality constraints as keyword args
user = engine(User).filter(id='abcdef').first()

Scans are like queries, except that they don’t use an index. Scans iterate over the ENTIRE TABLE so they are REALLY SLOW. Scans have access to additional filter conditions such as “contains” and “in”.

# This is suuuuuper slow!
user = engine.scan(User).filter(id='abcdef').first()

# If you're doing an extremely large scan, you should tell it to return
# a generator
all_users = engine.scan(User).gen()

# to filter a field not specified in the model declaration:
prince = engine.scan(User).filter(User.field_('bio').beginswith_(
           'Now this is a story all about how')).first()
connect(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Connect to a specific host


Connect to a specific host

connect_to_region(region, **kwargs)[source]

Connect to an AWS region

create_schema(test=False, throughput=None)[source]

Create the DynamoDB tables required by the registered models


test : bool, optional

If True, perform a dry run (default False)

throughput : dict, optional

If provided, override the throughputs of the Models when creating them. Details below.


names : list

List of table names that were created


The throughput argument is a mapping of table names to their throughputs. The throughput is a dict with a ‘read’ and ‘write’ value. It may also include the names of global indexes that map to their own dicts with a ‘read’ and ‘write’ value.

    'table1': {
        'read': 4,
        'write': 10,
        'gindex-1': {
            'read': 6,
            'write': 3,

Get the default_conflict value


The default_conflict setting configures the default behavior of save(), sync(), and delete(). Below is an explanation of the different values of default_conflict.

default_conflict method default
  save overwrite=True
  sync raise_on_conflict=True
  delete raise_on_conflict=False
  save overwrite=True
  sync raise_on_conflict=False
  delete raise_on_conflict=False
  save overwrite=False
  sync raise_on_conflict=True
  delete raise_on_conflict=True
delete(items, raise_on_conflict=None)[source]

Delete items from dynamo


items : list or Model

List of Model objects to delete

raise_on_conflict : bool, optional

If True, raise exception if the object was changed concurrently in the database (default set by default_conflict)


exc : dynamo3.ConditionalCheckFailedException

If overwrite is False and an item already exists in the database


Due to the structure of the AWS API, deleting with raise_on_conflict=False is much faster because the requests can be batched.

delete_key(model, pkeys=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete one or more items from dynamo as specified by primary keys


model : Model

pkeys : list, optional

List of primary key dicts

**kwargs : dict

If pkeys is None, delete only a single item and use kwargs as the primary key dict


count : int

The number of deleted items


If the model being deleted has no range key, you may use strings instead of primary key dicts. ex:

>>> class Item(Model):
...     id = Field(hash_key=True)
>>> items = engine.delete_key(Item, ['abc', 'def', '123', '456'])
delete_keys(model, pkeys=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete one or more items from dynamo as specified by primary keys


model : Model

pkeys : list, optional

List of primary key dicts

**kwargs : dict

If pkeys is None, delete only a single item and use kwargs as the primary key dict


count : int

The number of deleted items


If the model being deleted has no range key, you may use strings instead of primary key dicts. ex:

>>> class Item(Model):
...     id = Field(hash_key=True)
>>> items = engine.delete_key(Item, ['abc', 'def', '123', '456'])

Drop the DynamoDB tables for all registered models


test : bool, optional

If True, perform a dry run (default False)


names : list

List of table names that were deleted

get(model, pkeys=None, consistent=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fetch one or more items from dynamo from the primary keys


model : Model

pkeys : list, optional

List of primary key dicts

consistent : bool, optional

Perform a consistent read from dynamo (default False)

**kwargs : dict

If pkeys is None, fetch only a single item and use kwargs as the primary key dict.


items : list or object

If pkeys is a list of key dicts, this will be a list of items. If pkeys is None and **kwargs is used, this will be a single object.


If the model being fetched has no range key, you may use strings instead of primary key dicts. ex:

>>> class Item(Model):
...     id = Field(hash_key=True)
>>> items = engine.get(Item, ['abc', 'def', '123', '456'])

Get the schema for the registered models


Create a table query for a specific model

Returns:query : Query
refresh(items, consistent=False)[source]

Overwrite model data with freshest from database


items : list or Model

Models to sync

consistent : bool, optional

If True, force a consistent read from the db. (default False)


Register one or more models with the engine

Registering is required for schema creation or deletion

save(items, overwrite=None)[source]

Save models to dynamo


items : list or Model

overwrite : bool, optional

If False, raise exception if item already exists (default set by default_conflict)


exc : dynamo3.ConditionalCheckFailedException

If overwrite is False and an item already exists in the database


Overwrite will replace the entire item with the new one, not just different fields. After calling save(overwrite=True) you are guaranteed that the item in the database is exactly the item you saved.

Due to the structure of the AWS API, saving with overwrite=True is much faster because the requests can be batched.


Create a table scan for a specific model

Returns:scan : Scan
sync(items, raise_on_conflict=None, consistent=False, constraints=None)[source]

Sync model changes back to database

This will push any updates to the database, and ensure that all of the synced items have the most up-to-date data.


items : list or Model

Models to sync

raise_on_conflict : bool, optional

If True, raise exception if any of the fields that are being updated were concurrently changed in the database (default set by default_conflict)

consistent : bool, optional

If True, force a consistent read from the db. This will only take effect if the sync is only performing a read. (default False)

constraints : list, optional

List of more complex constraints that must pass for the update to complete. Must be used with raise_on_conflict=True. Format is the same as query filters (e.g. Model.fieldname > 5)


exc : dynamo3.CheckFailed

If raise_on_conflict=True and the model changed underneath us

update_field(item, name, value=<object object>, action='PUT', constraints=None)[source]

Update the value of a single field

Note that this method bypasses field validators and will ignore any special behavior around Composite fields.


item : Model

The model to update

name : str

The name of the field to update

value : object, optional

The new value for the field. Default will use the value currently on the model.

action : str, optional

PUT, ADD, or DELETE. (default PUT)

constraints : list, optional

List of constraints that must pass for the update to complete. Format is the same as query filters (e.g. Model.fieldname > 5)