
There are four main key concepts to understanding a DynamoDB table.

Hash key: This field will be sharded. Pick something with relatively random access (e.g. userid is good, timestamp is bad)

Range key: Optional. This field will be indexed, so you can query against it (within a specific hash key).

The hash key and range key together make the Primary key, which is the unique identifier for each object.

Local Secondary Indexes: Optional, up to 5. You may only use these if your table has a range key. These fields are indexed in a similar fashion as the range key. You may also query against them within a specific hash key. You can think of these as a range key with no uniqueness requirements.

Global Secondary Indexes: Optional, up to 5. These indexes have a hash key and optional range key, and can be put on any declared field. This allows you to shard your tables by more than one value.

For additional information on table design, read the AWS docs on best practices

Example declaration of hash and range key:

class Tweet(Model):
    userid = Field(hash_key=True)
    ts = Field(data_type=datetime, range_key=True)

For this version of a Tweet, each (userid, ts) pair is a unique value.

Local Secondary Indexes

Indexes also have a Projection Type. Creating an index requires duplicating some amount of data in the storage, and the projection type allows you to optimize how much additional storage is used. The projection types are:

All: All fields are projected into the index

Keys only: Only the primary key and indexed keys are project into the index

Include: Like the “Keys only” projection, but allows you to specify additional fields to project into the index

This is how they it looks in the model declaration:

class Tweet(Model):
    userid = Field(hash_key=True)
    id = Field(range_key=True)
    ts = Field(data_type=datetime).all_index('ts-index')
    retweets = Field(data_type=int).keys_index('rt-index')
    likes = Field(data_type=int).include_index('like-index', ['text'])
    text = Field()

The default index projection is “All”, so you could replace the ts field above with:

ts = Field(data_type=datetime, index='ts-index')

Global Secondary Indexes

Like their Local counterparts, Global Secondary Indexes can specify a projection type. Unlike their Local counterparts, Global Secondary Indexes are provisioned with a separate read/write throughput from the base table. This can be specified in the model declaration. Here are some examples below:

class Tweet(Model):
    __metadata__ = {
        'global_indexes': [
            GlobalIndex.all('ts-index', 'city', 'ts').throughput(read=10,
            GlobalIndex.keys('rt-index', 'city', 'retweets')\
                    .throughput(read=10, write=2),
            GlobalIndex.include('like-index', 'city', 'likes',
    userid = Field(hash_key=True)
    city = Field()
    id = Field(range_key=True)
    ts = Field(data_type=datetime)
    retweets = Field(data_type=int)
    likes = Field(data_type=int)
    text = Field()

If you want more on indexes, check out the AWS docs on indexes.

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